The 3rd Edition of the Making Value Chains Work Better for the Poor Toolbook, published in 2008 has become one of the most widely used references for practical value chain analysis by researchers, development agencies and NGOs. Given the ongoing widespread use of the Toolbook, there is a strong case to review and update the Toolbook to take into account the last 10 years of developments in the field. Of particular importance is mainstreaming and integrating new material on gender, social inclusion, women’s economic empowerment and agricultural value chain financing into the new edition. the new edition will also contain updated and expanded case studies in order to make it more relevant to today's development challenges.
The 4th edition of the Toolbook is available as a hardcopy and pdf version and will also be available online, with expanded references and resources that will complement the material in the hardcopy and pdf edition. In order to increase the accessibility and usability of the toolbook it will be available in a wider range of languages than the third edition.
The online version should be cited as Smith, D., Dyer, R., and Wandschneider, T. (2020), "Making Value Chains Work Better for the Poor: A Toolbook for Value Chain Practitioners", 4th Edition,
The 4th edition of the Toolbook is available as a hardcopy and pdf version and will also be available online, with expanded references and resources that will complement the material in the hardcopy and pdf edition. In order to increase the accessibility and usability of the toolbook it will be available in a wider range of languages than the third edition.
The online version should be cited as Smith, D., Dyer, R., and Wandschneider, T. (2020), "Making Value Chains Work Better for the Poor: A Toolbook for Value Chain Practitioners", 4th Edition,